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Tuesday 29 July 2014

Summer Journal Day Thirteen

Prompt 13 The other day we considered the most USEFUL skill we have ever learnt. Today, consider the most IMPORTANT.

Summer Journal Day Twelve

Prompt 12 What is happening NOW? Look out of the window and write about 3 things you can see!

Summer Journal Day Eleven

Prompt 11 What is the most USEFUL skill you have learnt?

Summer Journal Day Ten

Prompt 10 You are 6 years old! Someone has kindly given you 4 chairs covered with an enormous blanket!! It’s a tent! Tell us about your play day.

Summer Journal Day Nine

Prompt 9 ‘I like a nice cup of tea in the morning, just to start the day, you see……..’ Remember the little ditty? Jack Buchanan said that ‘everything stops for tea‘. Morning, noon or night – which beverage will make you ‘stop’ and say ‘Ahhhh! That’s better!’?

Summer Journal Day Eight

Prompt 8 The snowman walked in the air! Nancy Sinatra wore boots that were made for walking. Your mission today, if you choose to accept it, is to write about the last time you walked in the rain. I hate walking in the rain so........

Summer Journal Day Seven

Prompt 7 What can you do with an egg? Well here's what I'd do......